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Shanghai Jianye Electrical&Equipment Co.,Ltd
ADD:Room116,No.4088, Yixian Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China
Contact Person:Mr.Hua(Manager)/Miss.Ding

Diesel spare parts
El motor
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Temperature switches

Temperature switches

Temperature switch series including in conventional industrial use switches and strict requirements for industrial special switch.


RT temperature switches, order number: 017-503666 017-515566 017-504866 017-500366 017-500466 017-500666 017-502266 017-506066 017-513566 017-513666 017-513966 017-514066 017-514166 017-520866 017-521466 017-522066 017-522466 017-522766 017-523166

KPS temperature switches, order number: 060 L311266 060 L310066 060 L310166 060 L310266 060 L311866 060 L310366 060 L310466 060 L310566 060 L312166 060 L310666 060 L312666 060 L312866 060 L312966 060 L313066 060 L315666 060 L310866

KP temperature switches, order number: 060 L117166 060 L120066 060 L118466 060 L112666 060 L112566


The attachment and spare parts-special temperature switches

Temperature kits-temperature switches is special, the order number: 060 L326566 060 L333366 060 L326466 060 L326866 060 L327166 060 L333066 L333166 060 017-437066 060 060 060 060 L326366 L326966 L332966 L326266 060 L326766 060 L332666 060 L332866

The cover-temperature switches is special, the order number: 060-062866

A variety of accessories and spare parts-temperature switches is special, the order number: 003 N0155 017-422066 017-436066

copy@2012 Shanghai Jianye Electrical&Equipment Co.,Ltd All rights reserved.
Tel:15902105827  Fax:021-56841576  Contact Person:Mr.Hua(Manager)
Technical Support:QIJU [Admin]